I see a wall ahead of me. A huge wall and nothing but that wall. I sense it is blocking my way and start looking for a door, window or atleast a hole somewhere.. I search and search in the wall that seems to be stretching infinitely. I couldn’t find its beginning or ending.. As I go about scouring I sense the desire for freedom, wish to reach out for some dream mounting in me. I feel hopeless after my futile efforts. Disappointed, I turn my back to the wall. I turn and go stunned with what I witness. I am seeing a place with green coated grassy ground and multicoulored sky. I feel pleasure, joy and peace watching those hues. As I walk towards the view leaving the wall, I hear a voice rising somewhere in me saying- ‘Walls are not always bad. Make sure whether they are guarding you from stepping out of your dream or stopping you from entering the dream.”
With that, dream ends..
(Image- Web)