One day she offered flowers to the river and yelled “O almighty.. Be kind upon me. Please bless me with pot full of water…”
‘uh ! god replied me..’ glancing ‘that’ from disembodied voice, delighted girl moved to report the occurrence.
To prove her words, the next day she reached river with crowd of people. Presenting flowers to the river, she uttered, “ Oh almighty, at last you blessed me. I am very thankful to you..” No response!.. She cried again and again. But still there was an intense silence!! The crowd dispersed insulting and mocking the lady. Ashamed, she plodded back home with her pot. Her reflection in the pot’s water said “O my dear, silly girl, Couldn’t you recognize yourself? The thing that made you succeed was only your concentration. With out understanding yourself you moved to explain world about the existence. First, try to identify and notice the ‘self’ inside you not the external existence”. She came home with filled pot. Filled with water she has brought.
*Translated from 'shodha'(taken from my book)
to have 'selfconfidence'in oneself is the major aspect of this dream. I am really thankful to you sushma for making us to see (read) such valuable dreams. expecting more...
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hi sush your dream place made me please when I mood-off. thanks to have a nice friend.
Thanks.Do Keep visiting.
Great day
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