Hii all,Well, Are you new to my 'dream space?' You are welcome and please consider scrolling down to see my 'dream stuffs' and I am sure you will find the link to this post then! Today, I am gonna share my ‘observation’ on own 'sleeping self’, variations I underwent during my dreams that resembles ‘story’ rather a dream..
Some times I sense thumping in the heart and can observe my eye movements and the' dream self' remains very conscious while spectating the occurings, yet I can’t actively involve and manupalate the happenings(never, in any dream). Some other times, my dream ‘self’ stays more comfortable, no focus set on ‘sleeping self’ and every movement proceeds very casual and fine, normally watching the ongoings or participating in a ‘dream venture’. But I didn’t make out much difference in both the conditions with regard to kind of dreams I had.
‘Also to which ‘type’ such dreams fall, if categorized?’ Well, it’s another puzzling issue to me as enigmatic as the ‘source’ or cause of unusual dreams. I regarded it folly probing, when all my search results remained unjustified and stopped my exploration long back.
Now, all I do is ‘learning’ from my own dream stuffs, decoding them to my best and sharing with people whom I consider ‘amazing’ in providing me an indeapth detail ‘ hidden’ deep inside, hidden from my analysis of dreams too. However, we can only see things that we are capable off , limited to our views and visions. How fine to find people who help unleash the potential in our own self, either by dragging out the concealed ‘theme’ or by incorporating a ‘meaning’ born from their thoughts and letting us see as ‘ours’, Is not it?
That is the strenghth of a truly experienced approach. Where we ‘feel’, that is much far than ‘listening’
Thanks to personal mails that opened up so many discussions and helped me to know how one can ‘visualize’ my dream descriptions. Really fine!
Well, I love to know how you see such an issue. I appreciate any comment or feedback that either re-triggers my old exploration or provides various new dimensions...,pals..sss :) !!
(image courtesy-Web)
hai sushma,
really wonderful experience! its not mere sharing. you are making it our own experience. very eager to 'see' your precious dreams.
Your dreamworld is amazing and we like to share your dreams.
You have to interpret the dreams yourself and tell us!
@ Supraja. My pleasure. Honestly, It is the encouragement of you people that motivates me to pendown all recorded stuffs of my dreams
Thank you.
@ Sunath. Great to see u here sir. Well, I leave the interpretation part to your side. I love to know different views and visions that my dream could initiate in you.
Thanks a lot
Thanks for visiting my blog..
You have a great blog here..
Maybe I should start recording my dreams too :)
BTW since your blog theme is dreams I I would recommend you change your blog to this template..
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