My dream-description Plagiarised!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hi all,
(Please scroll down/click on previous post titles to check out my dream parable descriptions)

I recently performed a search where it was possible to find the copied web pages of our site. Surprisingly I traced one! I found the exact copy of my post ‘Great Aspirations!!’ in Mr.Panky’s blog.

As you already know, here I post my dream-descriptions not any imaginary works. I have my claim over descriptions and even I made it clear that I am the owner of this dreams under ‘about me’ though it seemed so weird while writing that. Now, even after all this, it happened to yell, ‘ I am the owner of this dream, This is mine!’ Pals…, Who else could be other than I as these are all processed and presented by me and for me!

Considering dreaming as much sub-conscious and passive activity, sometime I found it difficult to pendown under my name and declare it as mine. ‘How strange the mechanism could be behind such dreams!’. was the thought! But here some unknown people are finding it so easy to walk-in my space and post mine 'in and as' theirs without bringing it to my knowledge or atleast mentioning a link back to my site.

Even after bringing this to attention of blog owner,Mr. Pranky he stays extremely innoscent, he didn’t delete my post from his blog or least has no manner to say a ‘sorry’ in return! I have utmost disdain for bunches who have instilled a fraudulent judge with in them and perform all mischiefs to convince the set of ‘blind values they have incorporated.

I must thank my co-blogger Mr.Sunaath for taking some quick actions on this issue. He has dropped comments against this stand of Mr.Panky, cited this affair of ‘Plagiarism’ in his blog post and is working on to fight against cyber-plagiarism.

click below or scroll down to see ‘Great Aspirations’ posted by me on 01-10-08
Here Goes the link to Mr. Panky’s posted by him on 12-11-08 where my article could be accessed

Please go through and join us to fight against such cyber-diseases. Today it is mine, might be in near future you will find your works in somebody’s field or will stay sensing you are safe as I was all these days and never come to know if someone is taking credit of your efforts and creativity.
Consider writing back on this and any informations that aids us in this venture are appreciated..

I hope you do.. you surely will.. :)
Great day.
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